Program Development Process

The development process is unique to each program and includes the submission of one or more proposal documents that detail the proposed changes. Proposals are reviewed and approved by University of Calgary governance committees and - depending on the nature of the changes - the Ministry of Advanced Education. 

Planning and development

When program changes are identified or a new program is under development, our team supports and guides the development of a comprehensive proposal. 


Proposals move through faculty committees and the University of Calgary's governance committees to receive feedback. Proposals that do not require Ministry approval are approved by the university's Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (APPC). 

Ministry approval & implementation

New programs and selected program changes must receive approval from the Ministry of Advanced Education, on behalf of the Government of Alberta. 

Related resources

Websites and documents that can help guide program innovation and proposal development

UCalgary's 2023-30 Strategic Plan

The ii'taa'poh'to'p Indigenous Strategy will guide the University of Calgary on its path of transformation and communicate its commitment and responsibility for truth and reconciliation.

The Global Engagement Plan advances the University of Calgary's academic and research plans, and reflects our role as a global intellectual hub.

The plan to achieve its goals for student participation in experiential learning (EL): by 2025, all undergraduate students will participate in at least two EL opportunities and all graduate students in a degree program will have the opportunity to participate in at least one EL opportunity before graduation. 

The University of Calgary's definitions of the different credential types and sub-degree nomenclature.

The OEDI serves as a centralized resource for equity, diversity, and inclusion through resources and education.

The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning offers programs, courses, 1:1 consultations, and a comprehensive online library of resources related to program and course development.

The University of Calgary has two institutionally-approved frameworks for certificate and diploma credentials: the Credit Certificate and Diploma Framework and the Non-credit Credentials Framework. These documents outline the structure and expectations for certificate and diploma credentials offered at the University of Calgary.

Guiding questions and recommendations that provide an overview of the different dimensions in which program innovations may create opportunities to advance the recommendations related to teaching and learning in ii' taa'poh'to'p – our institutional Indigenous Strategy.

Guiding questions and recommendations that provide an overview for new programs (or changes to existing programs) to promote fair access into and representation in high-quality academic programs for all individuals.

Program proposals require approval from University of Calgary governance committees. Most General Faculties Council (GFC) Standing Committees meet approximately once per month during the academic year (September - June).

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles that can be used to guide course design and delivery with the goal of enhancing the learning for the greatest number of students. This guide is intended to be used by groups and individuals at the University of Calgary who are either developing a new program or examining an existing one.